for what he has done for me personally. If it were not for Bush being one scary m'f'er, I would never have had the impetus to really pay attention to what is going on politically in this country. I truly enjoyed standing with all those other people and listening to John Edwards message of hope and empowerment yesterday morning. Four years ago, I would never have bothered to go to something like that. I ordered my first Edwards stuff yesterday and made my first donation to a political campaign. And it felt good. And I never would have done it without Bush. I never really understood how the caucus or primary system worked, I never paid any attention to early debates, I never bothered much with anything until it got down to the general election. I am very ashamed to say that I have never voted in statewide elections unless they were tied to a national one. That is going to change. I would have dismissed a website like this one as boring or too...I dunno, something... four years ago and was I ever wrong.
I also want to thank everybody here, even the ones that make my head want to explode. Cause you are here and that means that you are paying attention.