You'll love this, it hits all of the high notes, deliberately misleading and of course misreading everything about Dean as sinisterly as possible. It even calls him a Trojan Horse!!!! Thought I would post it before another poster whose initials are Nicholas_J does. And I love it when Freepers, as this guy most obviously is, try to put on their "Democrat" hats and give us the good advice that if we would just vote for their pal Lieberman, he'll lay down quietly and lose like a good boy and no one will get hurt. Thanks for the advice! Dean has said the United States should not "take sides" in the Middle East -- a sudden and sharp departure from 50 years of U.S. policy in support of Israel -- he recently said that "We have to get the Israelis out of the West Bank," and that "an enormous number of settlements" would have to be disbanded.Oh yeah, Dean's very anti-Israel. Wait, wasn't he being bashed for being way TOO pro-Israel? Me confused.
Quite frankly, I still have yet to figure out which Howard Dean is running for president: the liberal supporter of civil unions and abortions or the man who boasts to having an "A" approval rating from the National Rifle Association. I'm not even sure if he knows himself."My head can't comprehend anything but a one-dimensional axis with 'conservative' on one end and 'traitor' on the other."
Maybe Dean needs to try earth tones, ya think?
What the Democratic party needs is a candidate with wide appeal, extensive experience, and concrete policies. Fortunately, one candidate possesses all of these qualities -- Joe Lieberman.What can I say? This is the proverbial money quote from this budding comedian. He'll be at Laughlines in New Haven all this week - check him out and be sure to try the veal.