Wesley Clark: The New Anti-War Candidate?
Record Shows Clark Cheered Iraq War as "Right Call"
Months before the invasion, Clark's opinion piece in Time magazine (10/14/02) was aptly headlined
"Let's Wait to Attack," a counter-argument to another piece headlined
"No, Let's Not Waste Any Time." Before the war, Clark was concerned that the U.S. had an
insufficient number of troops, a faulty battle strategy and a lack of international support.(emphasis added, BJ)
On the question of Iraq's supposed weapons of mass destruction, Clark seemed remarkably confident of their existence. Clark told CNN's Miles O'Brien that Saddam Hussein "does have weapons of mass destruction." When O'Brien asked, "And you could say that categorically?" Clark was resolute: "Absolutely" (1/18/03). When CNN's Zahn (4/2/03) asked if he had any doubts about finding the weapons, Clark responded: "I think they will be found. There's so much intelligence on this."
In another column the next day (London Times, 4/11/03), Clark summed up the lessons of the war this way:
"The campaign in Iraq illustrates the continuing progress of military technology and tactics, but if there is a single overriding lesson it must be this: American military power, especially when buttressed by Britain's, is virtually unchallengeable today. Take us on? Don't try! And that's not hubris, it's just plain fact."(emphasis added, BJ)