Edited on Sat Sep-20-03 02:41 PM by ludwigb
I agree that Josh is overlooking how crucial IWR was and I sent him this email.
As a frequent reader and fan of TPM, I feel compelled to comment on your latest post on Dean. My quarrel with your post is less with its substance as with its tone. It seems to me that you are suggesting that since Dean, like Kerry, would have supported the war under certain circumstances, his opposition is less strident as his supporters make it out to be. Although your point is of course correct, I think it distracts from the larger reason why people prefer Dean to Kerry. The reason Dean's position on Iraq is seen as more reasonable and consistent than Kerry's by the antiwar left has to do almost entirely with the IWR, rather than whether a war on Iraq could ultimately be justified. In my opinion, the way each man voted is not only indicative of the kind of political courage each politician showed at this crucial moment, but it is also indicative of the style of campaign each man is running. I think Dean's vote against this resolution and his clear justification for doing so displays the guts, integrity, and moral courage that John Kerry seems to lack. And I think in the end Democratic voters percieve this, which is precisely why Kerry's campaign is going nowhere. Kerry is seen as an equivocator and Dean is seen as a straight talker---for good reason!
Kerry's reasons why he voted for the IWR are of course intellectually understandable, but as Eric Alterman puts it, "not exactly compelling". He says he voted for the resolution in good faith and believed Democratic support would help shore up UN support. But the problem is this--if he believed that going in without the support of the UN would be a mistake (and he did say this, before the war), why not express that sentiment by voting against authorizing force before a broader UN resolution could be obtained? More importantly, why did he vote to authorize violent force before he believed force was necessary? Couldn't he have simply said that though he supported ridding Saddam of WMD, it was simply too early in the game to be authorizing violent action? As far as I'm concerned, that was my position, that was Dean's position, that was the position of most of us opposed to the war at that time. In short, Kerry was wrong to authorize force because authorizing force might be a good diplomatic tool. The authorization of violence is no rhetorical game, especially when we have a president that we simply can't trust.
I might add that it is perfectly possible that the UN might have seen compelling evidence that Saddam had WMD and still refused to act. Though I must admit I probably would have still opposed the use of force until all possible options were exhausted, I respect those, like you and Howard Dean, that say they would have supported a unilateral US action if the UN failed to act and there was clear and compelling evidence of WMD. However, the fact is that at the time of the IWR, no compelling evidence had been presented. Furthermore, the Bush administration had already adopted a pattern of shifting justifications and equivocation. The Bush administration was prepared to shamelessly assert that connections existed between Al Qaida and Saddam. Finally, there were already grave concerns about war profiteering. In short, there was already plenty of evidence suggesting the administration could not be trusted to tell the straightforward truth and that this war needed concrete evidence to be justified.
Thus, there is a disconnect for me when Kerry suggests he was duped. How was he duped? What concrete evidence did the Bush Administration falsify to make John Kerry believe authorizing military action was necessary? Did John Kerry actually believe Bush's speechs ever presented compelling evidence? Dean, on the other hand, correctly pointed out that preemptive war without evidence of a clear and present danger is not merely mistaken but immoral. Though Kerry suggests that he shares this position, he didn't vote that way.
The Democrats will turn the tide of public opinion by principled opposition to Bush, rather than Kerry's attempt to have it both ways. Quite simply, after 8 years of Clinton and 4 of Bush, the public is sick of politicians who refuse to stake out a clear position--politicians who are characterized by eqivocation. I think that part of the reason public opinion is turning against Bush is that Dean's clear, uneqivocal criticisms are setting the tone and the agenda for the campaign, forcing other Democrats (and the media) to adopt sharper rhetoric. Whatever you may think of Dean's chances in the general election against Bush, he is doing a great service for his party.