Edit: Looks like someone else posted this earlier. Sorry.
"Bottom-Up Strategy May Turn Politics Upside Down"
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A44798-2003Sep21.htmlRead the whole article, it's great and describes my experience with the Dean campaign very accurately.
"Dean's field operation has taken on such a life of its own that campaign officials have been frenetically working to stay out ahead of it by continually developing Dean's already intricate Web site to better communicate with supporters and by starting to tap the largely unknown volunteers for specific projects. On Saturday, the campaign will dispatch to Iowa and New Hampshire 500 "Texas Rangers," Dean volunteers from President Bush's home state, to push for Bush's defeat next year.
(My favorite part) Richard Bond, a former chairman of the Republican National Committee: "If these are independent swing voters, soccer moms, who ebb between the two parties and decide elections, then that's a threatening development for Republicans."
A great read.