LynneSin vs. Bush - 4 more years of LynneSin bitching
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Mon Sep-22-03 10:39 AM
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LynneSin vs. Bush - 4 more years of LynneSin bitching |
seriously - you folks want that???
Work the issue folks - get the general public out there recognizing that Bush is horrible for our country. It'll be a cakewalk from there!!!!
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Mon Sep-22-03 10:40 AM
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I tried to be sophisticated in my humor...perhaps I should have been more direct as you were...
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Mon Sep-22-03 10:45 AM
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2. You're cute when you bitch |
And there's some that believe you should never hit a man when he's going down.
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Mon Sep-22-03 11:11 AM
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3. Uh.....I have a dirty mind |
You are right....don't ever hit a man then. :evilgrin:
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Mon Sep-22-03 01:25 PM
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Bush's biggest mistake - not getting me on his team. I'm the hardworking progressive thinker out there and I'm dangerous when I'm bitchy!!!
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:55 AM
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