People have been asking me what 'MY' issue was in this election. That single most important issue that has guided my choice for Edwards. Every time somebody asks me, I launch into all of the reasons why I think Edwards would be the best candidate. I talk about his very specific plans for jumpstarting the economy and generating jobs. I talk about his college initiative plan and how great that would be for young people in this country. I talk about his specific plans for reworking the insurance and healthcare problems in this country and his pledge to get children insured. I talk about his foriegn policy goals and positions and how he feels that the best way to resolve some of the outstanding problems in Iraq is to immediately begin to rebuild our alliances in global community. I talk about his strength on race issues and many other things.
But I was having a hard time coming down to one issue. Well, I just found it answering another post. TRUST. I trust John Edwards. I don't have to agree with him 100% of the time, but I feel that I can trust that where I DO agree with him, he is representing himself accurately. I have a hard time trusting some of the other candidates because I can look back over the last couple of years and see where they have had pretty diverse opinions on the same subject or on many subjects. I mean, opinions that would appear to completely contradict each other. It makes me think that they want to be President. Period. That they are saying what they are saying now because they think that's what they need to get into the White House.
People, we have that right now. And yes, I know they are Republicans, but is a Democratic opportunist that much better?
So, that is my issue. I need to be able to trust the person I am voting for.