WOODRUFF: Let me turn you quickly then to presidential politics. Someone you know well, former New Hampshire Governor Jeanne Shaheen, has now thrown in her lot with Senator John Kerry. Is there any one of the candidates at this point, Senator Hart, who you think stands the best shot at beating President Bush?
HART: It will be the candidate who is best prepared to be president. Now, I know Governor Bush, at the time, a couple of years ago, didn't meet those qualifications.
But I've always believed that you should prepare to be president before you even run for president. That means understanding the national economy and the federal budget. It means understanding the world and having traveled the world and understanding foreign policy. And it certainly means understanding the military and be prepared to be commander in chief. If you use that standard, it really narrows the field down.
WOODRUFF: To whom?
HART: Well, in the group that I have listened to and talked to and considered, my own view is that Senator Kerry of Massachusetts best meets those qualifications.
WOODRUFF: And General Wesley Clark?
HART: Well, he certainly has the military experience and some foreign policy experience, although I think dealing and negotiating in the former Yugoslavia is only a step in that direction. It remains to be seen what he knows about the federal budget and the national economy.
WOODRUFF: All that is unfolding. All right, former Colorado Senator and former presidential candidate Gary Hart, good to see you again.
HART: Great pleasure.
WOODRUFF: Thank you for talking with us.