I don't like or dislike Clark. He obviously excites some people. If there is a reason beyond the implied, and IMO false, security his military experience represents, I'd like to hear about it. His candidacy makes me uncomfortable. If I were to rank our candidates, he would be #10 on my list. My reasons are definitely personal; they may not reflect the average american opinion or experience, and that's fine with me.
I have 3 issues:
1. The military connection. Plaid Adder explained it as well as I an awhile back:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=104&topic_id=363593I think we have suffered enough already from the fact that the White House and the Pentagon are now virtually indistinguishable and war has become our entire domestic and foreign policy. I think we need to seriously reconsider the role that the military has played not only in our foreign policy but in the domestic arena and I don't see that someone who has spent a lifetime working inside this particular box is going to be the one to get us out of it.
Plus, there is the fact that since Selection 2000 I have increasingly gotten the impression that America has devolved into a banana republic. Having a general at the helm is only going to increase my anxiety on that score.2. Not enough info on domestic policy; I'm not sure what he really wants/plans to do domestically, and I'm concerned that our focus will be on international issues while we let our own nation decay.
3. This one is trivial, I know. But if he wanted me to take him seriously, where was he when the rest of the candidates were working to get a real message out? He is entering too late, and not giving me enough substance on the issues that are important to me.
I agree that we are on the brink of a possible shift in political alignment; but Clark does not represent the direction, attitudes, or energy I want to shift towards. Or the energy behind the shift. I want true, profound, significant change in a more positive direction, both globally and at home. I've chosen a candidate working for that shift. I hope and pray it is happening again.
I don't know if this is adding substance or not. I'm not here on attack, just giving my perspective.