Aid: It is unacceptable that the current administration is proposing to cut core funding for overseas humanitarian aid while millions worldwide face the threat of hunger. A Kucinich administration will fully fund efforts to eradicate hunger by dramatically increasing our allocation to the UN World Food Program, whose work saves countless lives in over 80 countries through school feeding projects, nutrition programs for HIV/AIDS sufferers, refugee food relief and many other vital services.
Drop the Debt: Poor countries facing widespread hunger are being ravaged by debt payments to global institutions like the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. Every year, $2.5 billion is transferred from countries in Sub-Saharan Africa to foreign bankers and creditors, while 40% of their people experience some form of malnutrition. A Kucinich administration will push for the cancellation of bilateral debts of countries facing hunger, as well as debts to the IMF and World Bank.
End Structural Adjustment: The economic policies dictated to poor countries by the IMF and the World Bank -- so-called "structural adjustment programs" -- have undermined Third World economies and exacerbated hunger while serving corporate interests. To take one example: Last year's food crisis in Malawi, where as many as several thousand died of hunger, followed IMF-mandated cutbacks in agricultural aid to small farmers and food subsidies for families. A Kucinich administration will demand an end to these policies that sacrifice what remains of the social safety net in poor countries on the alter of "free market" and "privatization" ideology.
Swords into Plowshares: President Eisenhower observed, "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed." This year, our nation will spend $400 billion on the Pentagon, but barely more than $1 billion on food aid for the world's hungry. A Kucinich administration will set an example for the world by cutting 15% from its military budget to help meet pressing social needs, including hunger, both abroad and at home.
In addition, a Kucinich administration will establish a Department of Peace and a different U.S. role in the world -- to mediate international conflicts and negotiate arms control agreements so that other nations can redirect resources to the fight against hunger, not an arms race.