Of the same statements about Medicare in June of this Year on Meet the Press:
Russert: When the Republicans tried to limit the growth, the Democrats said that was an actual cut.
Dean: Well, they’re going to say what they’re going to say. All I...
Russert: You would be willing to limit the growth...
Dean: Absolutely.
Russert: ...in Defense, in Medicare and Social Security?
Dean: You have to do that. If you don’t go where the money is—Social Security, we’re going to fix differently. We’re not talking about Social Security. We’re talking about Medicare. We’re talking about Defense and we’re talking about all the other things the federal government does. But I want to put the tax cut back into that budget. They need it to balance the budget.
Russert: That’s raising taxes, though. Let’s be honest.
http://stacks.msnbc.com/news/912159.aspWhat Dean is saying is that he considers the Medicaid Fund something that can be raided in order to balance the budget. You must remember, that like Social Security, a portion of the payroll tax goes into a MEDICARE trust fund which is ALSO usually rund a surplus which is continually raided by conservatives in order to pay for things like increases to the military budget in order to aviod raising taxes.
Both Social Security and Medicare are fiscally the most sucessful and solvent of all federal programs. THey are the funds that generally have the most money in them and under Clinton, they became enoromous funds that Bush has used to give his tax cuts.
Dean did similar things in Vermont. He did a great deal of cutting to in Vermonts medical programs, relying on temporary federal waivers in order to fund them (Dean used a one time medicaid waiver to start his programs, and when the waiver ran out in 2000, began scaling back on the programs and then in 2002 when BUsh pulledd the plug, Dean demanded EXTREME cuts in Vermonts health care programs) As a result currently Vermont is in a situation in which it has had to further cut back its medicaid coverage, and is in such bad state that it may soon have to cit its Dr Dynasaur program to people who are making more than 150 percent of FPL.
Dean started something that Vermont could not sustain. It was a political ploy. He knew that federal waiver funding would not be available for longer than a four years, and this was largely responsible for Dean deciding not to run for governor again. He was well aware that the system could not be sustained after the temporary waivers expired, and did not wish to preside over the mess, but leave it to a successor.