Thats right, everyone.
Now is the time to join us for the virtual component of our "Send the special interests packing" fundraiser, in which the Vince Whitacre for Congress Campaign will bring in $100,000 in individual contributions by the end of 2003. This fundraiser will last until Sunday afternoon, when we'll give you a DU total. (Of course, you're welcome to contribute at any time.)
To contribute,
visit is a PayPal link on that page, as well as a form you can print out and mail with a check.
If you are contributing via snail mail, please PM me or Vince (he's Whitacre D_WI) or send an e-mail to with your real name, state and amount, so we can count your pledge toward our total (and map out where the support is coming from).
Any amount of support, whether it's $10 or $1,000, is appreciated. Think about it -- if the 771 people who have voted thus far for the new GD rules each contributed $25 (or got their parents or friends of legal age and status to do so), we'd have almost 20% of our goal, just from you. There's a lot of power here.
So many of you have already been so generous in your support, and we thank you. If you are unable to help financially, we'd still appreciate whatever help you can give -- on Goobergunch's research thread, in Wisconsin's Fifth Distrct, or wherever else.
(Contributions to Vince Whitacre for Congress are not tax-deductible for federal income-tax purposes, and you must be an individual U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident over 18 to contribute.)
Please, spread this around. I don't want to spam the boards (I was advised to post this in one place, once a day), but e-mail your friends, loved ones -- anyone who's sick of seeing Washington in the hands of the far right. Keep this kicked, and spread the word.
Edited for bad math, and again for goofy HTML.