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Generation Dean Launches Petition: 'Bill of Rights' For A New Generation

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Khephra Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Oct-04-03 08:03 AM
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Generation Dean Launches Petition: 'Bill of Rights' For A New Generation
Generation Dean Launches Petition: 'Bill of Rights' For A New Generation

WASHINGTON--Generation Dean, Governor Howard Dean's youth outreach organization, has announced the launch of a national petition drive in conjunction with Governor Dean's "Raise the 'Roots" tour. The petition reads:




We the undersigned, in order to restore the ideals upon which America was founded, call upon our nation's leaders to honor the following rights:

1. The right to be free from national debt

2. The right to be free from government surveillance and unwarranted suspicion of American citizens

3. The right to a government of, by and for the people, free from the influence of special interests

4. The right to a quality education

5. The right to patriotic dissent

6. The right to a government which deals honorably with other nations

7. The right to leadership which does not operate in secrecy

8. The right to know the truth about the commander-in-chief's reasons for sending our troops in harm's way

9. The right to a government which works for the benefit of all its citizens, and not only for those who have the most

10. The right to leadership which seeks to form a more perfect union -- and does not divide its people by race, by gender, by income or by sexual orientation

The petition is available at
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emcglynn Donating Member (86 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Oct-04-03 08:42 AM
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1. The right to kickass
Whatever candidate you support its time to start taking names and getting the fucking vote out. Get mad and get even.
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ModerateMiddle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Oct-04-03 10:59 AM
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2. "1. The right to be free from national debt"
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