Anyone out there want to help refute the letter about Dean and liberals that made my editorial page today? This is not unusual for this area; letters like this generally dominate our letters to the editor. This is the very first comment on a dem primary candidate, though, and I though maybe Dean folks, or anyone who wants to defend liberalism, might like to respond. I already did. If you do, be kind to my candidate, if you happen to mention him; he isn't mentioned here, but the reference is obvious.
Sorry I can't provide links; my paper doesn't put editorials or letters to the editor on the website. Link for the paper and letters below.
We have a young man (a student) at the local community college who provides our local conservative rag with a column on the ed/opinion pages. Our papers concession to "fair and balanced." This young man is a leftist libertarian. And provides weekly amusement and fodder for all the right-wing writers of letters to the editor.
Last week, his column took a whole half of a page, all promoting Dean. He did a really great job, IMO; the only discrepancies were the "only one to oppose Iraq" myth. I was surprised that he signed on for Dean, since he is a lot more liberal than Dean is. Maybe it's the "libertarian" angle. The main point of his piece was that Dean is a moderate; likely to appeal to the hidden dems in this hard-core conservative area.
So this morning, the first response came in:
Dean's No Moderate
Surprise, surprise! Matthew Keltner tells us in his Oct. 2 column that he is supporting Howard Dean in the Democratic primary. Isn't that who Ralph Brax is supporting too? What a coincidence! (Brax, a history professor at the local college, is our other liberal contributor.)
Notice Matthew's backhanded remark about retired Army Gen. Wesley Clark, referring to him as a "fence-walker" because he supported the war. I don't understand why Clark would even bother to run as a Democrat when they've got leftists like Matthew and Ralph in the party who are outspokenly anti-military. Matthew goes on to praise Dean for his so-called "moderate" politics. But what Matthew conveniently forgets to tell you is that Dean had his hand in the New England Dairy Farmers Association--a union of dairy farmers that squelches free enterprise and sets prices for consumers in the Northeast states. Matthew wants us to believe that Dean is really a moderate because he is backed by the NrA and owns guns. Big deal! I dknow a blueblooded socialist with a huge arsenal. Gun ownership doesn't and summport for it doesn't make you a moderate. If readers of Matthew's column were smart, they would automatically be suspicious of why someone as left-wing as he is would support a true moderate. Truth is, Howard Dean is the most left-wing of them all--a perfect fit for "cosmopolitan" Matthew!
Matthew tells us he's "proud" to be a liberal. Pope Leo XIII proclaimed that liberalism had diabolical roots. "But many there are who follow in the footsteps of Lucifer and adopt as their own his febellious cry: 'I will not serv,' and consequently substitute for trye liberty what is sheer and most foolish license. Such men style themselves as liberals." As one Marine officer once remarked, the left in America today represents, "sodomy, socialism, and surrender."
-Rick Arnold, LancasterApologies for typos; I was typing fast. If you'd like to respond, here's the link to the paper: