Gov. Dean is scheduled to visit Kansas City next Wednesday evening. Here is information for those KC DUers who wish to attend:
Event: Visit to Kansas City by Gov. Howard Dean and “Dean for America” Rally
Date: Wednesday, October 15th, 2003
Time: 7:00 pm
Place: Uptown Theater, 3700 Broadway, Kansas City, Missouri
Admission: $50 per person, payable by check to "Dean for America"
If you plan to attend, please be there by 7pm to make sure you are inside the building before the Governor arrives.
From the flyer:
Please join Governor Howard Dean, M.D. of Vermont,
Democratic Candidate for President of the United States.
Wednesday, October 15, 2003
Doors Open at 7:00 p.m.
Uptown Theater
3700 Broadway
(Broadway & Valentine in midtown)
Kansas City, Missouri
Performance by: Allied Saints
Event Sponsor ~ $200·
General Admission ~ $50·
Student Admission ~ $20
(students must present valid I.D. at door)
Click here to pay in advance!
(Your name will be on the list at the door)
$2000 maximum contribution per individual
For more information please contact
Bryce A. James
or call at 312-855-8500, (x) 202
Click here to forward this message!
The full ticket price for this event is a contribution to Dean for America and will be used in connection with the Democratic Presidential Primary.
Paid for by Dean for America. Contributions to Dean for America are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.
<I could not get the *Click here to pay in advance* link to work properly>