from The Emergining Democratic Majority: Bush’s tumble in the polls has been widely observed and documented. But one thing that has not received as much attention as it should is how very poorly Bush is doing with independent voters. And without fairly strong support from independent voters, he is unlikely to prevail in November, 2004.
Consider these data from the latest CBS/New York Times poll. This poll has Bush’s approval rating at just 51 percent (pretty much identical with his rating in August, 2001, just before the September 11 terrorist attacks) But among independents, it’s considerably worse: 43 percent approval and 45 percent disapproval. Same story on handling foreign affairs (44 percent approval overall, but 38 percent approval/48 percent disapproval among independents) and on handling the Iraq situation (47 percent approval overall, but 40 percent approval/52 percent disapproval among independents). And on handling the economy, where Bush generally does the worst, his overall rating is an anemic 37 percent, but among independents, it’s a staggeringly bad 28 percent approval with 63 percent disapproval.