Here's a funny blog from Elizabeth Edwards...
Friday October 10, @12:06PM
Posted by Elizabeth Edwards
Just got on the plane leaving Phoenix after last night's debate. First, John was terrific in the debate. He was strong and clear and warm, and he had the most developed and cohesive ideas on the stage. And it was not just his wife who thought so -- Phoenix local television and the local papers got real voters' responses and it was clear John had done what he does best: connect with voters.
At the debate I sat with some of John's key Arizona supporters including the incredibly terrific Stanley Feldman and his beautiful wife. On my left was one the great women of the Party, former Governor Rose Mofford.
After the debate (and after congratulations on John's fine job from everyone around me) I went to the spin room. John was surrounded by press so I couldn't get near him. I worked my way around the room, getting (and giving) hugs to folks I now see at each debate. I spotted Chuck Todd and Craig Crawford talking to one another. I asked them why they were having a press to press interview when they were surrounded by candidates and their surrogates. The answer? How can we know what conventional wisdom is if we don't talk to each other? I told them that that response earned them a spot in the blog.