Bring In The Adults!
Bring in the adults to clean up the mess. Time to bring in people who understand the world as it is, not as they exclusively want it to be. Time for humility, a very adult trait. We need adults in charge. All the candidates need to unite on this one point. Adults need to be in charge. Turn over all activities to the UN, the phasing of power won’t happen overnight, 8-14 months after a very multi-lateral, multi-logistical plan is honestly brokered. Again, adults are needed. Our children are dieing. Supply everything that is needed for the actual transition of Iraq into a modern world member. Adults clean up after themselves. If Iraqi’s really want to right historical wrongs and divide into separate countries then we and the UN should help. By truly helping and by exporting the important values of Americans to the world through the UN, we can begin to unite the world. The American life style can not be exported, the planet just can’t support that. We’re exporting all of the things wrong with our society; Greed, fundamentalist Capitalism, pr for profit, might makes right and I got mine. Adults need to be in charge.