Here is the UNH poll regarding how a possible general election race between Bush vs. Dean, Bush vs. Kerry, and Bush vs. Clark would look at this time:
Bush: 48% Bush: 49% Bush: 47%
Dean: 38% Kerry: 38% Clark: 32%
Per the director of the poll: "Bush's electoral strength in NH is not surprising given that Republicans have a 11-point margin in registered voters over Democrats."
Still Bush is under 50% among each of our candidates and that is encouraging.
Here are demographics on how Bush does against each of these three candidates among key subgroups:
Democrats: 83-6 for Dean
Independents 37-36 for Dean over Bush
Republicans 85-5 for Bush
Liberals 65-22 for Dean
Moderates 48-42 for Bush
conservatives 70-19 for Bush
Union members 45-44 for Bush
non-union voters 49-37 for Bush
18-34 age group 54-29 for Bush (+25)
33-49 49-36 for Bush. (+13)
50-64 47-45 for Bush (+2)
65-over 46-40 for Bush (+6)
high school or less: 53-28 for Bush
some college 49-37 for Bush
College grads 46-42 for Bush
Post Grad 45-47 for Dean
less than 30K per year 32-43 for Dean
30-60K 46-44 for Bush
60-75K 42-52 for Dean
75-100K 57-38 for Bush
100-plusK 53-35 for Bush
Bush vs. Kerry:
Dem: 11-82 for Kerry
Ind: 32-37 for Kerry
GOP: 84-5 for Bush
Liberals 19-64 for Kerry
Moderates 47-42 for Bush
Conservatives 74-17 for Bush
Union members: 43-46 for Kerry
non-union voters: 50-37 for Bush
18-34 57-29 for Bush (+28-Bush)
33-49 48-38 for Bush (+10-Bush)
50-64 44-45 for Kerry (+1 for Kerry)
65-over 49-38 for Bush (+11 for Bush)
High school grad or less 55-29 for Bush
Some College 48-36 for Bush
college Grad 44-44 tie
Post Grad 49-42 for Bush.
Less than 30K per year 31-46 for Kerry
30-60K 47-41 for Bush
60-75K 42-50 for Kerry
75-100K 58-38 for Bush
100K plus 52-38 for Bush
Bush vs. Clark:
Democrats: 9-70 for Clark
Independents 35-26 for Bush
GOP 80-7 for Bush
Liberals: 19-56 for Clark
Moderates: 45-35 for Bush
Conservatives 70-16 for Bush
Union households: 46-37 for Bush
Non-Union 47-31 for Bush
18-34 year olds: 52-26 for Bush
33-49 47-33 for Bush
50-64 44-36 for Bush
65-plus 45-30 for Bush
High School or less: 53-24 for Bush
Some College 45-28 for Bush
College Grad 45-38 for Bush
Post Grad 43-39 for Bush
Less than 30K per year 33-35 for Clark
30-60K 42-38 for Bush
60-75K 47-32 for Bush
75-100 48-37 for Bush
100 plus 55-34 for Bush press releases and publications.
**The thing which really stands out is how badly our candidates run among the very youngest--18-34 year olds we are running 25-points or more behind against Bush, yet among older age groups 50-64 and 65 and over we are almost neck and neck. Hope this can change in the months ahead.