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"Let’s go to the moon right here on Earth"

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Feanorcurufinwe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-15-03 01:08 PM
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"Let’s go to the moon right here on Earth"
For nearly every issue, Kerry used examples of his personal experience. Addressing health care, a perennial central issue to many Democrats, he credited his victory over prostate cancer to the fact that, as a senator, he had access to the best care.

He said, "Every family’s health care in America is as important as any politician’s in Washington," and described his plan to cover 97 percent of Americans in three years, which included a proposal to allow every citizen access to the same insurance offered to members of Congress. Under Kerry’s plan, the federal government would also help businesses with their most expensive cases, causing the premiums to be reduced for more typical individuals and families.

His most sweeping ideas came in his vision for energy policy. He recalled Kennedy’s 1960 challenge to the nation of putting a man on the moon, saying, "Let’s go to the moon right here on Earth" in an effort to take the lead in renewable energy technology to reduce the country’s dependence on foreign oil and fossil fuels in general.

He urged a "recommitment to science and discovery" for this "new Manhattan project," as a matter of environmental ethics, national security and as a way to create jobs for American workers to make up for the outflow of manufacturing jobs to low-wage countries through tax incentives for domestic companies producing these new technologies.

And on an issue important to many attending the rally, he emphasized his commitment to veterans’ issues. Kerry, who was highly decorated for his service in Vietnam said, "The first definition of patriotism is keeping faith with those who wore the uniform."

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dfong63 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-15-03 03:20 PM
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1. what a great turn of phrase
i'm a Dean supporter, but i have to hand it to Kerry for saying those words. "Let's go to the moon right here on Earth." what a great turn of phrase. i've long believed that although the space program produced many tech benefits, it could have done even more for our nation had that money been directed toward a more practical goal, instead of "putting a man on the moon". and it sounds like this is kind of like what Kerry is talking about now. if so, that is great to hear.

of course, like Clark's proposal for a "civilian reserve", the idea needs to be fleshed out more. but unlike Clark's idea, i don't see as much potential for harm or misuse.

also, imho Clark's idea is out of step with our times. it seems to me that it's a formalized version of Bush I's "thousand points of light". i have to add at this point, that JFK's slogan ("Ask not what your country can do for you, ...") also rubbed me the wrong way. it was a great slogan, but i think it was misguided. we SHOULD be asking what our country can do for us. we ALREADY do plenty for our country, and some arrogant SOB politician has no business implying that we aren't doing enough. and that's true now even more than it was then. what we really need are politicians to tell the CORPORATIONS rather than us citizens, that THEY need to do more for our country! instead of always asking for more.

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MrPeepers Donating Member (311 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-15-03 04:48 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. I agree.
It sounds brilliant. It's one of the many things that draw me to Kerry, he's got a lot of insightful, progressive ideas. It's great to see a Dean supporter agknowledge that, by the way :)

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Octafish Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-15-03 06:15 PM
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3. Turning Big Ideas into Reality is what Democrats Do Best!
The New Deal: Beat the Depression through Government spending.
Social Security: Protect the seniors, the infirm, and the orphaned.
Defeat Fascism: Lead an Alliance that beat back the NAZIs and Imperial Japan in WW2.
The New Frontier: Dream Big and Make It Happen, like going to the moon and back.
Defeat Communism: Peace through Strength — JFK's POV.
The Great Society: No more hunger, ignorance, want, or wasted talent.

ALL of these programs were opposed by the conservative Republicans! Since they were passed, all the conservatives have done is try to dismantle or discredit them.

Democrats made them happen. By doing the hard work, they've made ours the light of the world.

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