Edited on Thu Oct-16-03 03:36 PM by ProfessorPlum
For our top candidates to get this far means that there are no horrible skeletons in their closets which would make them instantly unelectable. (One exception to this may be Clark, who while I suspect doesn't have anything horrible to hide, has not been through an election yet). Howard has won at least 7 elections by my count, and his opponents have certainly done their homework on him long before we have. Kerry has won just as many tough elections.
Everyone keeps posting these little bullshit articles where someone has rubbed them the wrong way and expects everyone to drop their support for their candidate. What's up with that?
Some rural reporter somewhere has a bad day and takes it out on Kerry.
Some Vermont constituent claims that Dean once peed in his cornflakes.
And then these articles get posted by some idiot here with a comment like "See? Told you Kerry/Dean was the Antichrist!" and we are off to the races again. It's no wonder this board tires me out.
These articles do not change anyone's mind. Look at what real criminal accusations did to Arnie's campaign. He had the charisma, God help us all, to overcome them easily, and in the most liberal state in the union no less.
So, whether the shit-posters like it or not, the race will come down to who can organize their campaigns. Who can get their people out to vote. Who can raise money for their campaign expenses. Who can out-hustle the other folks. And who has the most charisma and ability to connect (rightly or wrongly) with Democratic voters.
It will probably come down to Kerry, Dean, or Clark. I wish them well. It's going to be interesting and entertaining. And at the end of the day, each of them will be able to spank B*sh because the guy is an empty suit.
I just want to once again point out the futility and wretchedness of posting these same kinds of articles here day after day. It doesn't change anyone's mind. It just pisses people off. (Though that is undoubtedly some posters' only mission).
Signing off - back to your previously scheduled bashing.
Edit for grammar and again