change his opinion - soon
The the elimination of the marriage penalty is not critical but it is not that costly.
If Dean would redefine repeal ALL of the Bush tax cuts - as just being ALL in dollar amount ONLY, then some slight tinkering with the upper tax brackets, say a new bracket at $1 million of income, would cover his previous statements.
His Tax proposal was jumped on by the whore media as derivative of other folks proposals, and at the same time not specific enough! ?!.
These are the same media assh*les that gave us Nixon's "I have a plan to end the war in VietNam, but it is secret and I just can not tell you about it" without any criticism in 68 when the dead were in the low 30,000 area, and these same media folk never felt guilty as the dead approached 60,000.
But they demand more specifics from Dean. Or any Dem - indeed in 2000 the Bush "fuzzy math" zinger that he threw at those that noted he was a liar regarding what he would - could - do with the budget was enough to stop media requests for details.
One could easily hate the right wing GOP controlled - or if not controlled, they just act that way - media.