First questions are all about Iraq.
At 17 mn. he talks about taxes.
At 26 min he talks about trade.
At 29 min he talks about whether the economy is improving
At 31 min, more about taxes, and more about wealth creation in the middle class (5000 dollar for dollar credit for purchase of first home, reduce cap gains rate for middle class incomes, tax credit up to 1000 per year for savings for people who save the least)
How to pay for it? (1) rescind tax breaks for earners over 200K per year, (2) raise cap gains rate for people earning over 300K so their investment income isn't taxed at a lower rate than earned income, (3) close corp loopholes, (4) cut bureaucracy = 1.5 trillion over 20 years, which pays for everything.
At 34:45, health care.
At 41:30 Talks about raising money from trial lawyers, which segues to CFR (wants public finance with free air time -- which is probably why CNN has him on their pay no mind list)
46 min, Dean. Says Bill Clinton was at 3% in Dec. Says Dean is from next door. Edwards is doing well in his next-door neighbor state. That's expected. Now they're entering the phase where ideas matter. He sais he's confident that when people start looking at the ideas...