"While Public Campaign was supportive of the McCain-Feingold measure, it also wanted to inject the notion of public financing into the Senate debate and worked accordingly with Sens. Paul Wellstone and John Kerry to do so.
The high point for Public Campaign came early on in the Senate when Sen. Wellstone offered his “States’ rights” amendment, a proposal where states would have had the right to set up a voluntary system of public financing for their candidates for federal office.
It inspired Sens. Maria Cantwell and Hillary Clinton to join Sens. Wellstone and Kerry on the reintroduction of the Wellstone-Kerry bill in early April. And it eased Senate passage of Sen. Kerry’s amendment to McCain-Feingold for a General Accounting Office study of the Clean Money, Clean Election systems in Arizona and Maine.
It has been nearly ten years since there has been this much attention paid to public financing on the floor of the U.S. Senate.