war based on conversation with Annan asserted. But the Globe and the ABCNote choose to focus their spin as a dump on Kerry -Kerry "acknowledged
that he did not know the specifics of such a plan but said that UN Secretary General Kofi Annan assured him 'there were specific discussions' about a nonmilitary compromise that senior Bush aides 'shut the door to.'"
Kerry presses assault on Bush foreign policy
Assertions on a plan to avoid war disputed
By Patrick Healy, Globe Staff, Globe Correspondent, 10/25/2003
Senator John F. Kerry, who has insisted that the Bush administration ignored a French-Russian plan to avoid war in Iraq last March, acknowledged yesterday that he did not know the specifics of such a plan but said that UN Secretary General Kofi Annan assured him "there were specific discussions" about a nonmilitary compromise that senior Bush aides "shut the door to."
In televised remarks Monday night, the Democratic presidential contender from Massachusetts said that three days before the war began March 19, he "knew at that moment in time that the Russians and French were prepared to in fact make a further offer" at the UN to find diplomatic alternatives to war. But the Bush administration told Annan at the time that "the time for diplomacy is over," Kerry said, citing a conversation between himself and Annan on March 16.
Several American officials at the UN disputed Kerry's assertions, saying that the Bush administration never shut the door on serious diplomatic overtures, even though the White House had concluded that the French and other nations opposed to the use of force would never move aggressively to disarm Saddam Hussein's regime.
"We didn't have any marching orders that diplomacy was over or close any doors -- we were trying until the last minute to find a way to get a UN buy-in to get Iraq to disarm," said Rich Williamson, who was a senior US official for Security Council issues at the time. "Kerry is smart on Iraq, but wrong on the facts here."