Dean, Gephardt staffs trade angry remarks
A Dean worker says he was called a derogatory name. Gephardt's staff says the accusation is a "dirty trick."By
KEN FUSONRegister Staff Writer
With their presidential candidates locked in a neck-and-neck race in Iowa, the campaign staffs for Democratic rivals Howard Dean and Dick Gephardt are hurling angry accusations at each other over an incident this week in Des Moines.
Dean staffers say an openly gay campaign worker was pushed by Gephardt's Iowa campaign manager and called a "faggot" by someone else on Gephardt's national staff. The confrontations allegedly occurred Tuesday afternoon, following Gephardt's speech on health care at an east-side senior center.
Joe Trippi, Dean's national campaign manager, said the Gephardt worker should be fired.
Register Reporter gives eyewitness account of incidentThis sort of thing really doesn't reflect well on the Gephardt people this late in the pre-caucus campaign. Let's hope they can get back to the real reason both men are running:
Beating George W. Bush and the Repugs in '04.