I saw a Dean statement this morning, which I can't find now for the life of me of course, that I thought was a very smart tactic. He's apparently been talking to the Apollo Alliance people, who advocate a crash technology and infrastructure program in clean(er) energy. He was saying that global warming was not only an environmental issue, though that was of course important, but also an economic and foreign policy one, and energy independence was a huge opportunity to create American jobs, and so on.
I think this is a terrific way to put it, because defusing the usual environment-versus-economy debate is critical for a presidential candidate. Dems have been very shy about campaigning on the environment for a long time, for a lot of different reasons; I think some of those reasons are excessively accepted wisdom these days, since the last time anyone really tried environmentalism in a national campaign was many years ago. (Besides the Greens, of course.) It could be a winner nowadays.
(as a responsible scientist, I have to note that it's not necessarily the case that our drought woes in the southwest are due to climate change, although they may be; and that 'harvesting' is the exact opposite of a solution to the problem.)