Philadelphia's mayoral election, a rematch of the 1999 race between Democratic incumbent John Street and Republican businessman Sam Katz, has taken a surprising turn as voters seem to be rallying around the mayor since an FBI investigation of alleged political corruption became public.
Far from hurting him, the investigation appears to have given a boost to Street's campaign. In the three weeks since the probe was revealed with the discovery of a tap in the mayor's office, the investigation has targeted several of Street's associates, including his brother Milton, who has tried to win a city airport contract for more than $1 million, and Ronald A. White, a top Philadelphia lawyer who has several large contracts to represent city departments and negotiate bond programs.
Based on this, Street has portrayed himself as the victim of racially motivated attacks by higher powers seeking to manipulate the election. Street has repeatedly told crowds, "It's not until the last couple of weeks that anybody ... raised any question at all about my integrity." course Bush/Asscroft have done this to take out Street and put a GOP Crime Family member in. If you can't figure that out you're in big trouble. Street should be calling for an Independent Counsel to investigate it. He should also say he was leaked info which told him the President authorized the 'dirty tricks'. Instead of using Cubans Bush is using FBI agents.