Good article. His polls are erratic -- always somewhat different from everybody else's, which means sometimes they're right (the last-minute election 2000 poll) wrong (2002 texas senate candidate ron kirk polling 48-49 on election day, losing 43-55). On another note, I personally think this new poll that has Dean leading Kerry 42-12 in NH's probably off the mark, though I definitely think Dean's leading Kerry by 15-20 pts.
Anyway, here's some excerpts:
> 2004 election is going to be a close one, Utica pollster John Zogby said during a lecture at Herkimer County Community College Tuesday night.
"You will not know who is going to win at 10 or 11 o'clock election night," he predicted...
"The blue states are getting bluer and the red states are getting redder," he said, referring to the colors used to distinguish which states went Democratic and which went Republican in the 2000 election.
In assessing the nine Democratic candidates, Zogby said former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean is the man to beat.
"Howard Dean rode on an issue," Zogby said. "The drumbeat of going to war with Iraq. 'I oppose the war, I'm for the little guy.'"...
There is a Gephardt scenario," he said, explaining that if Gephardt wins in Iowa and then comes in third or better in the New Hampshire primary, he will be in a strong position to take many Southern states.
Though he called Massachusetts Senator John Kerry the smartest of the candidates, Zogby said Kerry speaks so much about the subtle nuances of the issues that voters can't digest his message. "To run a successful campaign on the presidential level, you have to be able to relate your message on a bumper sticker," Zogby said, adding he believes Kerry has not been able to do this.
"He looks Lincolnesque, he looks like a president," Zogby said. "But it's hard to see a Kerry scenario." ...
Asked about Hillary Clinton's presidential potential during an audience question and answer session, Zogby said he thinks the Democratic senator and former first lady could win in 2008. And he thinks she will win.
"She wants the White House," he said. "She'll be elected in 2008."... "
Whoever the Democrat is, they'll walk in with 45 percent of the vote automatically," he predicted. "I don't think the Democrats are assuming George W. Bush is going to win. The Democrats smell blood in the water."