Here in central Illinois, here has been our attendance at our Dean Meetup:
August - 12
September - 13
October - 6 (competition with Cubs playoffs)
November - 8
December - 16!!
We had 9 people last night that had been to the Meetup before, and 7 new people! An additional Republican who no longer supports Bush. One woman said her daughter lives in Switzerland and was attending a Zurich Dean Meetup last night!
We finally had the laptop with DVD player, so everyone got to take a look at Howard Dean and Joe Trippi talking to the Meetup groups (There's a new DVD every month).
At least 5 of our people are thinking of heading to Iowa in January. My wife and I and another friend are already signed up.
One of our new people said he doesn't have much money to give, but he has been taking 30 minutes every day to write 2 letters to voters in either Iowa or New Hampshire!!
Plus...we had the "Common Sense For a New Century" pamphlets. These are great!! will be showing up at workplaces, churches, etc. across central Illinois! The pamphlets are great work...500,000 printed - plenty for all of us working on the campaign!