Max Cleland to Campaign for John Kerry: December 11-12
Fighting for Affordable Health Care and Veterans Rights
December 05, 2003
Des Moines, IA -
Former US Senator Max Cleland will return to Iowa on Thursday, December 11th and Friday, December 12th to rally support for John Kerry and his campaign for the presidency. Cleland visited Iowa earlier this fall and will return again in January.
Cleland lost three limbs while serving in the Vietnam War. When he returned he became the youngest VA Administrator in history and helped institute “vets centers”, which for the first time offered psychological counseling to combat veterans to heal the emotional wounds of war. While serving as Georgia Secretary of State, Cleland fought for tougher campaign finance laws and implemented the “motor voter” program adding almost one million new registered voters to the system.
In 2002, Cleland was appointed to the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States. The Commission will examine the facts and causes relating to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, and will report on its findings, conclusions, and recommendations to prevent future acts of terrorism.
Max Cleland