This has me thoroughly disgusted.
Someone posted a thread about this story in GD.
Go-Along Media Ignoring KucinichIn it, the author writes about Kucinich's stand on this issue, as well as his brigning about quick action in Congress...
An excerpt:
"All in all, this makes for a meaty story. A presidential candidate takes on a major corporation and wins in a fight over an issue that is fundamental to the functioning of our democracy.
So were there headlines about Kucinich's fight with Diebold? No. Television news reports? No. Lengthy discussions on public radio or commercial talk radio? No.
Indeed, the only story on Kucinich that got extensive coverage last week dealt with the fact that, after Kucinich mentioned in an early November forum that he was a bachelor, more than 80 women contacted a New Hampshire Web site indicating that they wanted to date him.
Kucinich has been a good sport about the whole dating story. And, certainly, there is nothing wrong with major media doing a feature story on this quirky twist of the campaign trail. But there is something very wrong with a scenario in which this is the big story about Kucinich, while the story of his fight against Diebold barely gets notice."
So here we have it, folks. Compelling evidence that YES, the media IS marginalizing Kucinich.
Combined with that is evidence that despite the other candidates' rhetoric, Kucinich is the man of ACTION (provoking Diebold's retreat, joining the NCRPA, etc.), and what is this news met with?
Predictable silence, or denial.
Somebody explain this to me, because I'm reeeeeally having a hard time understanding the people that vote for this party.
And if you care to visit them to comment (and kick - hint hint), here are the threads in GD that sunk like stones, despite the weighty material discussed therein.