" From the start, the ABC team knew they would be hamstrung by the crowd onstage. "How did Dennis Kucinich and Al Sharpton and Carol Moseley Braun get into this thing?" Koppel asked. "Nobody seems to know. Some candidates who are perceived as serious are gasping for air, and what little oxygen there is on the stage will be taken up by one-third of the people who do not have a snowball's chance in hell of winning the nomination."
Koppel then voiced his apparent disdain for Kucinich, Sharpton and Braun, asking whether they would eventually "drop out" or continue a "vanity candidacy."
Again, Kucinich punched back. "I want the American people to see where the media takes politics in this country," he declared to loud applause. Koppel had become one of the debaters, and he had just taken a hard right to the jaw. The candidates, many of them, were in open revolt against the moderator. "
Koppel's opinion and Kucinich's response. I'm a Dean supporter with an ABB point of view, but I find it arrogant of Koppel (and Washington, in general) to decide for the people who's a serious candidate and who isn't. The rush to crown someone is part of what gave Nader space in which to rush in last time. As inconvenient as it is to have so many in this debate, those who disagree with the front-runner need time to have their views aired and hopefully adopted by the eventual candidate. Regardless of how likely their candidacies are (and I do not forget how Dean was looked at as hopeless, early on), ALL the candidates have made a positive contribution to the debate on the issues and until our candidate has been chosen by voters, I wouldn't mute any of them (except for the nasty attacks).