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Where's the Outrage?

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HEFFA Donating Member (414 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 07:26 AM
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Where's the Outrage?
I went to see F911 yesterday afternoon as soon as it opened. I was so affected by this film, and so energized by its message and the hope that it would damage the shrub, that I immediately returned home and began scanning the news for the coverage and reactions that it would hopefully produce.

To my disdain, the mainstream cable news networks and even the national networks gave it very little attention. In fact, most of the coverage that the film did receive was framed in the context of "can it's content be trusted?"

On a related note, I would mention that I was actually home from work on the day that "The Passion of the Christ" was released. It honestly became nauseating how frequently the press machine was hawking this film and extolling it's virtues. It was a lead piece in every broadcast, every hour. Even a week after its release, it was still featured in stories on the news. Months later, F911 comes along. This is a film with enormous power and potential to inspire debate and discussion of critical issues in a critically important presidential election. And, with all of this riding on it, the media responds with a collective yawn? WTF!!!???!!?!?!?!?!? Honestly, Dick Cheney's fucking use of the fucking F word has gotten more goddamned coverage than this movie has. What in the FUCK is going on here? Where is the outrage?!

P.S. Sorry about the cursing. I'm pissed off, but it was also intended as an allusion to the whole Cheney situation.

P.P.S. I'm not personally offended by Cheney's use of a curse word on the floor of the Senate. Hell, people have come to blows in disagreement over issues in that deliberative body. At least it shows that people are passionate about something. What I am offended by is his smug-ass attitude in basically saying, "I'm not sorry, and I'd do it again." Pretty arrogant coming from a guy who's all about following the rules and such. And yes, there are rules against such behavior in that chamber.

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Ironpost Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 07:48 AM
Response to Original message
1. could you imagine
Al Gore saying go fu*k yourself to anyone...This is a sorry bunch of fellas'
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ronatchig Donating Member (350 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 07:51 AM
Response to Original message
2. Are you outraged enough
to act?
Please don't think I am dissing you I merely want to point out that letters to the editor in your local newspaper are a very effective tool to rouse discussion.
There is no doubt that both local and national broadcast media along with much of the print media news are captives of the Corporate State in power In Washington.

Another point I think is important to say that bravery is required to speak truth to power. At this critical point in our history, it Joe or Joyce Everyman's right and responsability to speak out against the cancer that is growing in our polical body.
While speaking out politically at work is usually not a good idea,I find endless opportunties to speak to others of the outrages.

Remember also the truth is a powerful tool against dictators.
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HEFFA Donating Member (414 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 07:58 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. No offense taken. You're absolutely right.
The point that so many liberals have missed in recent years is that action is required to beat back the wave of neo-conservatism in this nation. As liberals have mainly stood by and expressed their dismay or concern, the right has assumed leadership of our entire government and concentrated its control over the media.

To borrow a phrase, silence = death. If we are content to abide such abusive actions and misinformation, we deserve whatever those processes provide. If we hope to stop such problems, we will have to do what the freeps have done so well for so long now -- take ACTION!
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ronatchig Donating Member (350 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 08:12 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. It is not just
neo-conservatism shrivels up in the light of truth but the entire conservative movement imho.

A link to someone who can say it much better than I:

Lots of good points to include in letters/discussions there.
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mctrotter5 Donating Member (255 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-27-04 06:23 PM
Response to Reply #2
5. I wrote a letter to our local paper on Thursday which was printed
today. I live in Woodland Ca. and F9/11 was not shown here. I quizzed the local theaters and found that in at least one local theater 30 people, I was told by the manager, had threatened to boycott his business if he showed F9/11. This is a family owned theater so this is an important threat. In my letter I talked about truth, democracy, and free speech. We have the "usual suspects" in our town which I am sure will fire back. I hope to get a good discussion, out the boycotters and get people curious to see the movie, even if they have to go out of town. Letters work to get a conversation going!
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