I actually took time to watch CNN's crossfire/inside politics today, and it seemed to me that their whole focus was to tell the American people that the Dems had no message, Dean was left-wing, and that Lieberman was the man who would win the nomination. For some strange reason they didn't question Shrub's claims that the massive tax cut would 'eventually' provide jobs. I was glad they gave Dean air time (though they were obviously on the attack-he handled it well), but wondered why in the world they couldn't have invited some of the other Democrats to talk as well-seems to me they hardly give anyone but Bush air time.
And the same goes for Ahnold and the CA primary. As I understand it, there are 135 candidates in the race, and at least 4 of them are serious about it. There are other conservatives running, but I don't even know their names-and I'm wondering if this isn't what CNN wants. If too many people know about other candidates, the vote will split and either Davis will win with a NO on the recall or Bustamonte will be placed in high office.
I really wish I could get CSPAN, but my Dish program (10 channels at $15 a month) won't allow it. I think I'll stick to NPR and the Net for news from now on, though it bothers me that some people might think that CNN is 'fair and balanced' to borrow a copyrighted trademark from another freeper network.