Perhaps when Mr. Cheney is on meet the press, Mr. Russert could ask him if he could provide answers to any of the questions raised in this September 11 Philadelphia Daily News article. "WHY DON'T WE HAVE ANSWERS TO THESE 9/11 QUESTIONS?" when they've done discussing the questions raised by the Philadelphia Daily News, how about asking the Big Dick to comment on the Sep 6 Guardian article by the former British Environment Minister, Michael Meacher, entitled "THE WAR ON TERRORISM IS BOGUS." That's the article where Mr. Meacher discusses the remarkable coincidence that all the recent anti-terror hype along the lies and exaggerations about non-existent Iraqi WMD used to justify the illegal invasion of Iraq seem to promote the goals and agenda of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) neo-con think tank.
It's well known (to anyone who doesn't solely rely on the bought and paid for corporate media for their news) that most of the major movers and shakers in the Bush administration are either members of PNAC or have publicly signed off on PNAC's goals and objectives. In the PNAC document "Rebuilding America's Defenses" the PNACers lay out their case that the US must use its military power to act as a global policing authority and unilaterally impose the US version of democracy and free markets on the rest of the world and ensure US military and economic preeminence over any possible rivals. Interestingly enough they had this to say about Saddam Hussein prior to the invasion of Iraq:
"While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein."Fortunately for the PNACers, their lament that without a new "Pearl Harbor" type event, Americans would not be willing to make the necessary sacrifices in blood, guts and cold, hard cash to accomplish these aims is, at least for now, no longer an issue.
Perhaps Mr. Russert could explore with the Big Dick the question of how willing America's less priveliged classes will be to supply for the foreseeable future their sons and daughters to spill their blood while patrolling the guerrilla infested and depleted uranium contaminated deserts, jungles and mountain fronteirs of the new Amercian empire. This of course while, generally speaking, the sons and daughters of the privelidged seem to escape such hazardous and arduous duties in support of PNAC's noble goals.,1320,1036772,