his book Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right (Dutton, 2003), comedian and Air America Radio host Al Franken referred to David Horowitz, editor in chief of the right-wing website, as a "racist." Horowitz fired back in a November 30, 2004, column on and posted a picture of Franken on the homepage with the word "racist" printed across it in large black letters. Horowitz explained that the "photo will be prominently posted until you apologize to me publicly for this attack." In his own November 30 2004, column, National Review managing editor Jay Nordlinger cheered on Horowitz's "big and damning" response to Franken, calling Franken's labeling of Horowitz "asinine." But Media Matters for America and others have catalogued instances of Horowitz's racial insensitivity. i'm on frontpage's e-mail list (just to see keep an eye on Horowitz since our Governor gave him free reign) and I got the e-mail saying "Franken Racist"
Horowitz lobs the charge of Franken being a racist without backing it up and admitting it's retalitory.
Horowitz complains that being branded a racist is almost as much as a stigma as red baiting in the McArthy era (I don't know what his friend Ann Coulter would say about that) YET those two tacks are under frequent employ by Whorowitz. One exapmle when speaking before a crowd and the regents of CU in Denver Horowitz said One of the regents is a racist, but neglected to name him/her out of respect, meaning he didn't have to back up his inflamitory charge.
Failing those two branding tactics Horowitz will use antisemite or terrorist sympathiser.