The last time I watched cable tv news, was on November 2, and I haven't watched it since. Mind you, I'd been watching cable news since it was invented. I remember watching headline news twenty years ago. I was a true television news junkie. I just couldn't get enough of it.
What the hell was I thinking?
For the past year, I listened to other DUers tell us to turn off our cable tv stations, and I laughed at them. "FOX is the problem, not CNN", I told them.
Somewhere along the line, I became enlightened. I believe it was with Jon Stewart's appearance on Crossfire. Jon made the point that Crossfire (and other shows like it) seem to exist for one reason only: To give the party hacks a forum to spew their lies. Gee, what a noble life project that turned out to be.
Again, what was I thinking?
Is there a reason I should allow Chris Matthews to bring some ranting right wing lunatic like Ann Coulter into my living room? Will listening to Tim Russert interviewing Ed Gillespie, Trent Lott, or Tom DeLay somehow educate me? Will it somehow make the country better? The world?
Of course not. What was I thinking?
I now stand before you as a reformed cable news-aholic. Never again will that televised poison pass my eyelids. Good bye Tim Russert. Call me, if you know where I can find a journalist.
Matthews? Good riddance.
FOX? You've accomplished a traditional right wing goal: You've destroyed a noble institution from within.
If anyone out there is considering severing your ties with the cable "news" industry, then I would encourage you to do so immediately. Like I said, I was a 20 year junkie, and I don't miss it one bit.