New York City Independent Media Center filed a response December 14 in United States District Court to a subpoena from the New York City Law Department.
The subpoena, part of a civil suit in which New York City is a defendant, demands voluminous information, including all of the Independent Media Center's news reporting, emails, internal documents, and web pages relating to the World Economic Forum.
As the NYC IMC detailed in its response, the request violates reporter's privilege by seeking information that is available through other sources and that is not highly relevant to the claim.
"Why doesn't the City ask the New York Times for all of their articles and emails relating to the World Economic Forum?" Arun Gupta, an editor of the NYC IMC newspaper, The Indypendent, said.
The subpoena is the fourth time since August 2004 that US law enforcement has taken legal action against the Independent Media Center. Three of the four subpoenas have been issued in New York City.
"Four legal actions in as many months is a lot for any organization, but especially a news outlet. This is a pattern of harassment," said Joshua Breitbart, Director of Allied Media Projects, which is advising the NYC IMC.
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