I'm wondering if right-wing hate radio has passed its zenith in marketability.
Here in Seattle, we have a 50 KW flamethrower AM station called KIRO at 710 AM. The station, one of eight in Seattle (the maximum allowed) owned by Entercom, has had the top book for decades. It has had the news/talk format for many years, but maintains the largest radio news staff of any local station by far.
For quite a while now, their lineup has looked like this:
1A-5A Lou Pate (mostly just taunting the drunks who call) 5A-9A News/traffic 9A-12P Dave Ross (Center-left DLC type) 12P-4P Dori Monson (Right-wing public scold/hate) 4P-7P News/traffic 7P-10P Carl Jeffers (Right-wing Bush worshipper) 10P-1A Mike Webb (Fire-breathing liberal - a great show!)
Starting Monday, 1/10, their lineup is this:
1A-5A Lou Pate (mostly just taunting the drunks who call) 5A-9A News/traffic 9A-12P Alan Prell (Funny show with liberal slant. Prell had a talk show for 17 years on WBAL in Baltimore. He's hilarious and has a great radio voice -- kind of a combination of John Houseman and Gilbert Gottfried.) 12P-3P Dori Monson (Right-wing public scold/hate) 3P-6P Dave Ross (Center-left DLC type) with news/traffic inserts 6P-9P Tony Ventrella ("Solution radio" by former TV sports reporter. I have no idea what to expect.) 9P-1A Mike Webb (Fire-breathing liberal - a great show gets an extra hour!)
So this looks like an interesting shift to me. Webb (whom you can listen to on the 'net during his show via www.mikewebb.org) gets an extra hour, Prell is great, and Ross gets afternoon drive time exposure.
Air America has an affiliate here on AM 1090 KYCY, which also promotes itself as "The Nascar Station." Its previous format was country music and, before that, "extreme talk." But their ratings were always poor.