With 'medical' related spending making up about 15% of the US's $11 trillion dollar GDP, this means around $1.65 trillion dollars needs to be wiped off of the corporate books in order to remain 'competitive' with the Race to the Bottom--competition with countries without pension/healthcare benefits.
Already being reported, but not in the major media, Businessweek's article "The Benefits Trap"
http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/04_29/b3892001_mz001.htmshows us that:
""An unsavory brew of factors have come together to put stress on the retirement system like never before. First, there's the simple fact that Americans are living longer in retirement, and that costs more. Next come internal corporate issues, including soaring health-care costs and long-term underfunding of pension promises. Perhaps most important, IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY, long-established U.S. companies are competing against younger rivals here and abroad that pay little or nothing toward their workers' retirement, giving the older companies a huge incentive to dump their plans. "The house isn't burning now, but we will have a crisis soon if some of these issues aren't fixed," says Steven A. Kandarian, who ended a two-year stint as the executive director of the PBGC in February. Kandarian is not optimistic about how that crisis might play out, either. "By that time it will be too late to save the system. Then you just play triage.""
Yes, the 'global economy' is making them do it...
So they're wiping out pensions and healthcare from the corporate books and shifting that burden onto...the government ? Hell no, says the Republican party ! We're gonna shift it onto the individual ! And with Bush's $1.85 trillion in tax cuts for the wealthiest taxpayers, that adds up to about $3.5 trillion dollars being drained from the economy. Besides that, by 2079, the Social Security gap is only $12 trillion. Medicare's deficit by then is expected to be at $62 trillion; and the new drug benefit adds around $17 trillion to that ! (see
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2004/11/07/BUG0V9N54U1.DTL ).
They are putting the payment responsibility ENTIRELY upon individuals and leaving corporations off the hook for anything. No offense, just telling you the truth.