...Becuase what FOX news does is against the philosiphy of Journalism and Ehtics.
If the left used the same tactics we would be no better than Fox.
Opinion pundit shows are one thing akin to an editoral page of a newspaper, and I embrace the Neo-Conservative Bush Whore's who do them becusae they show how much vitrol and hate they have for anybody whom disagree's with them. Some jounalists are like vultures, as is the major media (Chris Matthews is one of the best oppurtunist out their).
When a politican or an ideology is getting weak, they pounce on them (although with Bush they are being careful, the President of one of the most powerfull and secretive executive branches we've had in a long time, willing to use it's power for short term gain no matter whom they destroy in the process i.e Embassader Wilson's Wife the CIA agent who's name was leaked by the ADministration to that whore Bob Novak).
No, I'd rather stick with the lefty pundits, DU, and using the oppurtunistic media to our advantage, than revert to FOX/Clear Channel tactics that shred the spirit of jounralism, ethics, the spirit of fairness and balanced, that ultimately lead to the dumbing down and tabloidization of our democratic republic by dumbing down it's people whom beleive the VITRIOL CRAP they spew under the pretext of journalism; When all they are (Hannity, NOVAK, O'Reilly, Rush, INgram, Coulter, Charlie Sykes, Mark Belling, Jeff Wagner, etc....) have become a bunch of ideologicaly blinded WHORES for the Bush Administration.