Go to the site, there are links to click to take action.
Help break the administration of its nasty propaganda habit:
1) Tell your members of Congress to call for a top-to-bottom investigation of the Education Department's contract and all similar schemes at other federal agencies. Tell them this isn't about right and left, it's about right and wrong.
2) Demand that the Department of Education do everything it can to get back the $240,000 it paid to Armstrong Williams. Remind Department officials that you paid your taxes in good faith to fund educational programs for the children in your community, not to pay for propaganda.
There's plenty of blame to go around, but our tax dollars are another matter. President Bush has underfunded No Child Left Behind by billions each year since it passed. Meanwhile, his administration has spent large sums on propaganda intended to be fed to us as real news. They even spent our tax dollars to produce ratings of how truly independent news organizations were covering Bush's programs and policies.
Help restore accountability, ethics and financial sanity to our government. Write Congress and demand that they get tough with the Bush administration. Americans shouldn't have to get their news wondering, "How much did the government pay them to say that?"