Edited on Wed Jan-12-05 07:50 PM by papau
David Gregory lies for Bush again the way he always does - by telling a partial truth that tells only the Bush side of an issue.
Fair noticed that while the Brian Williams January 11 NBC Nightly News broadcast on Social Security was introduced with the comment that "critics say he's exaggerating the problem to sell his plan, while not yet talking about big cuts in future retiree benefits."
the David Gregory report that followed was Gregory as usual repeating Bush talking points and seemingly unable to find those of opposing view who were experts - and indeed letting Bush get away with saying his favorite lie/glaring exaggeration in describing the plan: "So if you're 20 years old, in your mid-20s, and you're beginning to work, I want you to think about a Social Security system that will be flat bust." None of the projections of Social Security's future contend that the system will be "flat bust"; even by the Social Security trustees' pessimistic assumptions, the system will always be able to pay more to future retirees than current recipients get (Economic Reporting Review, www.cepr.net, 12/6/04).
And the Bush ploy to keep the $2 trillion out of the Feb Budget to Congress by saying he has not decided on a plan yet - was refered to by Gregory in the Rove approved lanuage of "before settling on a final proposal, aides say the president needs more time to define the problem, one he calls a crisis."
A journalist would be interested in pointing out that Bush's attempt to "define the problem" as a "crisis" apparently involves wild exaggerations, but then I suspect Gregory is just like Armstrong and is on a Bush paycheck.
Of course our expect on Social Security private accounts soundbite came from a David John, billed by NBC as a "Social Security Analyst" and one of the "supporters of the benefit cut." - but without mention that John's institutional affiliation is the conservative Heritage Foundation, one of the most active pro-privatization think tanks in the country. I bet the GOP loving GE gives the NBC News crew - and esp. Gregory - a high performance grade for the technique of a quick mention of "criticism that the president is exaggerating the need for change." while doing a long report that does not share the views of those that feel that way.
FAIR suggests writing NBC Nightly News asking them to to expand its coverage of Social Security to include experts who believe Bush's claims of an imminent Social Security "crisis" are untrue.
CONTACT: NBC Nightly News mailto:nightly@nbc.com Phone: (212) 664-4971