Wow, just think if Ed learned about this and took it to a national audience.
OK...I can dream can't I?
Hi Ed,
I listen everyday!
You spoke of coal today(1-12-05) and yes the technology has cleaned up the burning some but the mining is disastrous to the environment.
There is no need to use any petroleum or coal, tear down our forests, or use cotton which is pesti/herbicide intensive.
With some political will and an explanation to the American people, we could use hemp:
"Hemp's remarkable attributes are hard to beat: it thrives without herbicides, it reinvigorates the soil, it requires less water than cotton, it matures in three to four months, and it can yield four times as much paper per acre as trees. Hemp can be used to create building materials that are twice as strong as wood and concrete, textile fiber that is stronger than cotton, better oil and paint than petroleum, clean-burning diesel fuel, and biodegradable plastics. In addition, it can produce more digestible protein per acre than any other food source." learn how our farmers, textile industry, and over all economy would burst forth with cottage industries by growing and utilizing this valuable crop that was once a major player in our history. A history that has been censored. I am 48 and our generation knew nothing of it's value in our history.
We could grow our own fuel! enjoy your show so much Eddie and I think you are just the kind of down-home, pro farmer, and small business guy we need to speak out. The chickensh*t politicians won't.
Here are some more links about a crop that could literally save our country and world. for the show Ed!
Leucadia, CA