Just something to remind those smug Faux News Borg-agains ...
Wednesday 19th January, 2005
Fox News up in arms over Dan Rather, CBS
Big News Network.com Wednesday 19th January, 2005
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When CBS released a report from two pre-eminent persons after having investigated the airing by CBS of a story relating to President George W. Bush’s time with the Air National Guards in Texas, Fox spent the next three days at least with wall-to-wall carping of CBS, Dan Rather, and anyone, and everyone, connected with the story.
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Probably the most famous case of a media organization being duped by false documents co-incidently involved the Fox News proprietor, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation. In 1983 Murdoch purchased the so-called Hitler diaries for $2 million and promoted them extensively before first publishing them on April 23, 1983. They were authenticated prior to publication by noted British historian Lord Davre of Glanton, despite doubts about their authenticity.
A month after they were published the West German police initiated an investigation which revealed the diaries were fakes. The paper they were made of used a whitening agent known as blankophor which was not used until the mid-1950s. Threads in the seals consisted of viscose and polyester, artificial fabrics that were not in use when Hitler was alive. Chromatography identified four different ink types in the diaries. None of these had apparently been available either when Hitler was alive. Further ink analysis which measured the slow evaporation of chloride from the ink, suggested that the writings in the diaries were less than a year old. Murdoch of course endured some severe embarrassment, but no-one called for his resignation.
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