New York Post
Satellite radio rivals Sirius and XM have been cozying up to each other, The Post has learned. While talks have not advanced far, executives from both sides have been meeting lately to discuss the possibility of a merger, according to several sources close to the matter.
Sources say the executives have not yet discussed price. They have, however, been weighing any potential antitrust concerns that would arise from a deal, which would create a monopoly in the nascent satellite radio business.
The satellite radio industry is currently a Federal Communications Commission-licensed duopoly, and both XM and Sirius are hoping they can convince the FCC to redefine the market to include all content over wireless services. As mobile technology in the United States advances, XM and Sirius are hoping the FCC will consider satellite radio as part of the broader industry of delivering music and other content through mobile devices, such as cellphones, say sources.
A merger between XM and Sirius — neither of which is yet profitable — would alleviate a price war for premium content and allow the two companies to save significant amounts of money on marketing costs.