Explosions in high def...oohhh ahhhh
HDNet PRESENTS A CONTINUOUS HIGH-DEFINITION VIEW OF BAGHDAD AS IRAQ PREPARES FOR ELECTIONS In an unprecedented move, HDNet is telecasting a live and continuous high-definition view of the streets of Baghdad, in the days leading up to Iraq's first open elections in 50 years.
Using its one-of-a-kind flyaway HD uplink, a transportable satellite uplink built and designed by HDNet and connected to a high-definition camera overlooking the city, HDNet will be sending a live continuous, uninterrupted feed to U.S viewers for eight hours each day, from 2:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. ET (10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. in Baghdad), on Saturday, Jan. 29 and Sunday, January 30, the day of the elections.
"HDNet is proud to be the first to deliver live, high-definition images in full 1080i quality from Iraq," said Mark Cuban of HDNet. "The Iraqi elections are a unique milestone in our country's effort to support democracy and fight terrorism. HDNet will deliver a raw, unedited, up-close viewpoint that only 1080i HD can provide."
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