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Newsflash: Michelle Malkin is an idiot.

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Lefty48197 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-02-05 10:12 PM
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Newsflash: Michelle Malkin is an idiot.
Reading any of Michelle's columns makes it clear that she is not a very smart person. In fact, many of her columns leave you with the impression that she's mentally ill. Such was the case with her recent column titled, "Homeland Security continues to mess up".
(please excuse me for using a townhall link)

Like most Republicans, Michelle has dedicated her life to furthering Republican causes, including doing what she can to help get Republicans elected to office. Don't let her appearances on TV, or in the newspapers fool you: She's not a journalist. She's a political hack, and quite possibly another member of the deepening Bush "columnist-payola" scandal.
Don't read Michelle's commentaries expecting facts or logic. Expect to read the things that Karl Rove puts into his emails to Michelle.
Like most other Republican commentators, Michelle wastes no opportunity blaming Democrats for everything bad that happens. Likewise, she wastes no opportunity praising Republicans, when they have done nothing to earn that praise.
In Michelle's most recent hit piece, she decided to attack government employees. Specifically, the employees of the Homeland Security Department. Nevermind that this entire department was staffed by George W. Bush. Michelle doesn't want her readers to know that. She only wants them to know that they are GOVERNMENT employees. Of course her readers already look upon federal workers with contempt. Decades of droning Republicans have seen to that. Their contempt for government workers will make it much easier for them to believe Michelle's newest literary distortion.
Michelle started her attack by reminding us of the time when "...immigrant officials sent out flight school visa approval notices for two of the September 11 hijackers -- six months after they had commited their suicide attacks on America". She quickly went on to add that George Bush, "proclaimed his outrage", and then four immigration officials were reassigned.

(Can you imagine what would have happened if Bill Clinton had been President when those visa approval notices were mailed? Remember the scene in "Frankenstein" where thousands of people showed up at the house with torches... ?)

"I'm sorry to report to you that it has in fact, happened again", continued Michelle.

She then goes on to describe how more "immigration officials" sent a letter informing Eugueni Kniazev of Brooklyn, NY that he was now "deemed to be a lawful permanent resident of the United States", and that he was now eligible for a "green card". What terrible crimes did Kniazev commit that caused Michelle to bring this travesty to our attention? Was he a registered al Qaeda member? Was he a member of another terrorist group? Was he in jail? Guantanamo?

No, immigrant officials weren't offering a green card to an al Qaeda member. They were offering a green card to somebody that had died in the September 11th attacks. Michelle was upset because the immigration department didn't know that this guy had died. She blames the homeland security department for letting the "green card" letter be sent to the innocent dead man. Huh? Homeland Security is supposed to protect dead people from getting letters from the Immigration Department?

"What is wrong with our federal government?", continued Michelle. "Can you imagine how upsetting it must have been for family members to receive the letter? Why didn't it occur to anybody to cross-check the official list of September 11 victims against the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services' records? Did homeland security officials learn nothing from the dead hijacker visa letter fiasco?"

Holy Cow! It appears Michelle has gone over the edge.

"Despite billions spent on restructuring and new technology, our homeland security system is still unable to prevent a green card approval notice from being sent to a dead person. The fact that the letter recipient is a murdered September 11th victim adds unconscionable insult to bureaucratic injury."

Michelle never does go on to explain why the Dept. of Homeland Security is supposed to check and see if the immigration department is sending letters to dead people. Personally, I could see why Homeland Security would be concerned, if Immigration were still sending letters to al Qaeda members, but I just can't figure out why Homeland Security would care if an innocent person, dead or alive, is getting "green card" letters.

Michelle doesn't see any need to explain her reasoning. It's merely a tool to kick off her rant against government employees.

"Kniazev's case is only the tip of the incompetence iceberg", Michelle continued.

"The nation's fingerprint databases still have not been integrated because of bickering among FBI, State Department, and homeland security officials..."

I have a simple solution to fingerprint-gate. If I were President, then I would call my FBI director, HS director, and Secretary of State into the Oval Office, and I'd tell them to STOP bickering. I'd tell them to INTEGRATE the fingerprint database, and I'd tell them to get it done right away. Apparently, George Bush isn't such a hero when it comes to getting his employees to do their jobs.

Nonetheless, Michelle Malkin is blaming others...

"The long-delayed entry-exit tracking system for foreign visitors... ...has still not been implemented fully. ...There is no systematic tracking of illegal alien felons... ...There is still no system in place for notifying immigration investigators about stolen passports..."

I think it's safe to say that all the blame for all of the problems Michelle has mentioned lies right at the feet of Republicans. George Bush, the Republicans who lead Congress, and the Republican department heads, all come to mind. It's as if Michelle is trying to push all of the blame away from the responsible parties, and onto the backs of government employees who punch timeclocks.

I tell you what, if I were President, and I were in charge of all these things that were going wrong, and if I were paying columnists to help promote my programs, then I'd place a call to Michell Malkin and I'd ask her to assign blame for my mistakes to somebody else.

Now, if I can just find the cancelled check to prove that Michelle is on the Bush payroll...

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kweerwolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-02-05 10:20 PM
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1. The White House should be paying Malkin ...
NOT to promote their ideas. At least if they want anyone to take them seriously.
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BrklynLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-02-05 10:38 PM
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2. It seems that most of the RW Nut Neocons have severe mental
problems that need medication, and in some cases straight-jacketed institutionalization.
This is not news to any coherent person.
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number6 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-03-05 10:55 PM
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3. so what else is new ?
Michelle Malkin is an idiot.
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