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ABCNote joins media cover up of GOP(GannonGate) as Kurtz has no opinon

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papau Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-10-05 11:18 AM
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ABCNote joins media cover up of GOP(GannonGate) as Kurtz has no opinon
From the ABCNOTE:Hard pass, soft pass:
We've certainly read our share of GannonGate coverage; Kossacks here LINK can fill you in. We will not traffic in the details of Mr. Gannon's personal life, other than to say that some of activities allegedly associated with him do not comport with values expressed by President Bush. Then again, as a very smart observer points out: since when — in this era when Republicans allegedly are the party favoring more personal intrusion — do Democrats begin to investigate the private lives of people expressing their right to speak? Some of those liberal bloggers are slowly tipping into demonization& whither classical liberalism? A closer look at how the White House issues daily passes is probably something the U.S. Secret Service will engage in, and that's probably warranted in this case. And it certainly doesn't make the White House look good. And it does strike us odd that young Mr. Gannon, barely into his first White House coverage assignment for Talon, somehow obtained the sources to learn about Valerie Plame; it has been reported that Mr. Gannon was called before the federal grand jury investigating the White House leak.

Do expect Democrats to flood their allies with entreaties to talk about this story and peruse it further. (here ends the ABCNote and begins Rep. Slaughter's comments....
Rep. Slaughter Calls on President Bush to Explain Emerging White House Briefing Room Scandal ...Washington, DC - Rep. Louise M. Slaughter (NY-28), long time champion of media reform and Ranking Member of the House Committee on Rules, sent a letter to President George W. Bush today asking him to explain how discredited "reporter" Jeff Gannon was credentialed as a member of the legitimate media by the White House.In a letter to Bush, Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.) said that "it appears that 'Mr. Gannon's' presence in the White House press corps was merely as a tool of propaganda for your administration." She asked the president to explain why Gannon "was repeatedly cleared by your staff to join the legitimate White House press corps." and as Kurtz reports -White House spokesman Scott McClellan dismissed the propaganda charge as "just a wild conspiracy theory." )

Meanwhile GOP professional liar Howie Kurtz does his thing at the Wash Post:
Online Reporter Quits After Liberals' Expose

By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, February 10, 2005; Page C04

<snip>Under the headline "A Voice of the New Media: The Voice Goes Silent," Gannon wrote on his personal Web page that because of the attention "I find it is no longer possible to effectively be a reporter for Talon News" and that he is quitting "in consideration of the welfare of me and my family." Gannon added in a brief interview that "my family has been victimized" and that he wanted to "put some separation between Talon News and the White House."
<snip>Gannon, whose past postings have been removed from his site and by Talon and GOPUSA, denied taking positions against gays. "I have not written any anti-gay articles," he said. "I have written stories on the White House position on the gay marriage amendment."

Glenn Reynolds, a University of Tennessee law professor who writes on, said the tactics used against Gannon "seem to me to be despicable.

"If I were a member of the White House press corps, I'd be really worried," Reynolds said. "If working for a biased news organization disqualifies you, a lot of people have a lot to be worried about. If being involved in a dubious business venture is disqualifying, I suspect a lot of people have a lot to be worried about. I guess I don't see what all this has to do with his job."
In a posting on another Gannon site called the Conservative Guy, which has since been taken down, he says he has been "a preppie, a yuppie, blue-collar, green-collar and white-collar. I've served in the military, graduated from college, taught in the public school system, was a union truck driver, a management consultant, a fitness instructor and an entrepreneur. I'm a two-holiday Christian and I usually vote Republican because they most often support conservative positions."

His mission, Gannon wrote, is to "help people to realize that they have conservative core values and are therefore conservatives" and "to expose the liberal lies perpetuated by the media, Hollywood, the teachers' unions and the Democratic Party."

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KittyWampus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-10-05 11:34 AM
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1. If The Press Isn't Breaking The Law Or Participating In Unethical Activity
bloggers wouldn't bother investigating every aspect of their lives.

And if the Press had bothered to investigate this story themselves... maybe they could have controlled it more readily... as per Rove's request.

You fucking lying, hypocritical whores.
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